Ambler Road Amendment Removed from Military Spending Bill

A provision that would have forced the Department of the Interior to permit the 211-mile Ambler Industrial Road was not included in the final draft of the National Defense Authorization Act

We have important news to share about the future of Alaska’s Brooks Range.

During conference negotiations on December 8, 2024, an amendment that would have forced the Department of the Interior to permit the 211-mile Ambler Industrial Road through America’s most wild and remote hunting and fishing grounds was quietly removed from the final draft of the National Defense Authorization Act.

This was a critical step in maintaining the wild and remote character of the Brooks Range, and it would not have been possible without hunters and anglers like you and our many committed partners. Thank you for your ongoing dedication to Alaska’s public lands and our hunting and fishing opportunities.

Proponents of the Ambler Road aren’t backing down, but today we celebrate the removal of one more threat and the knowledge that there are champions of the Brooks Range in Congress who acted for fish and wildlife habitat, water resources, and our nation’s wildest remaining country.

Thank you for being with us.

Follow Hunters & Anglers for the Brooks Range on Facebook and Instagram for future updates.

Header Image: Shannon Vandivier

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